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Daniel Solis: 11. září: 10 let válek, lží a násilí

Nepopsatelná tragédie postihla před deseti lety lidi ze všech koutů světa. Dvě mohutné vysoko -podlažní budovy Světového Obchodního Centra na dolním Manhattanu v New Yorku byly nejprve zažehnuty pomocí dvou letadel a posléze odpáleny a zničeny pomocí připravených speciálních výbušných náloží obsahující termit v precizně plánovaném útoku obrovského rozsahu, vedeného pod falešnou vlajkou hned na několik cílů zároveň.

Útoku, který byl od prvního okamžiku sveden na teroristickou organizaci, vytvořenou účelově a financovanou z černých fondů CIA, spolu se zbrojními dodavateli vedeném nadnárodním vojensko-průmyslovým komplexem.

Téměř tři tisíce zaměstnanců a návštěvníků obou budov bylo zasypáno sutí a zalito roztavenou ocelí, rozdrceno padajícími troskami a roztrháno tlakovými vlnami detonací demoličních náloží, upáleno hořícím kerosinem nebo vymrštěno z některého ze 110 pater, pokud neskočili dobrovolně, aby unikly hořícímu a explodujícímu infernu uvnitř obou budov.  Mezi oběťmi bylo taktéž 343 hasičů, kterým vzdávám poctu svojí uniformou.

Útokem zároveň započala další temná kapitola státního terorizmu, který se záhy rozšířil po celé planetě prostřednictvím armády, vyzbrojené nejmodernější technikou, podporované neutuchající propagandou, řvoucí ze všech mezinárodních medií, armády doprovázené rozhořčeným veřejným míněním, založeným na dokola opakovaných lžích o původcích teroristických útoků, armády doprovázené flotilou soukromých korporací z oblasti ropného průmyslu, se zástupy svých soukromých žoldáků, kteří zabíjí nevinné a rabují a pustoší jejich země, jejich domovy, ve jménu loupeže nerostných zdrojů, ve jménu maximalizace zisku pro své akcionáře, ve jménu impéria a jeho politiky otevřených dveří. Politiky kolonializmu, které se říká obrana demokracie.

Mezi tím nalézáme onoho dne dalších 125 obětí teroristického útoku, tentokrát v Arlingtonu, kde bylo odpáleno výbušné zařízení s plochou dráhou letu a vysokou ordonancí na budovu Pentagonu.

Přičtěme ke všem téměř 3000 obětem útoku na budovy v New Yorku a na Pentagon v Arlingtonu všechny oběti těch 10 let trvajících válek vedených pod praporem Spojených států amerických ve jménu zisků několika mála jedinců, kteří vlastní průmysl a výrobní prostředky této země. Pak až jim vzdejme čest a uctívejme jejich památku!

Přičtěme ke všem truchlícím pozůstalým, kteří 11. září 2001 přišli o své drahé, o své rodinné příslušníky i ty pozůstalé po ženách a dětech, po bratrech a otcích zabitých při náletech neviditelných bombardérů, útočných vrtulníků a bezpilotních letounů chrlících munici z jedovatého uranu, kobercové bomby a zákeřné rakety v Afghánistánu, Iráku, Jemenu, Somálsku, Libyi a Pákistánu!  A pak až jim vyjádřeme upřímnou soustrast!

Krvavá stopa se po deset let vleče přes celý svět zpátky do Spojených států. Proto hledejme pachatele atentátů nikoli v jeskyních Kandaháru, na březích perského zálivu, či v dunách pouštního písku Sahary, ale v mramorových síních Washingtonu, v mahagonových křeslech bankovních domů New Yorku.

Oběťmi útoku na Arlington nebyli v tomto případě jen zaměstnanci ministerstva obrany Spojených států, byli jimi také jak daňoví poplatníci této země, tak i samotná demokracie, neboť v troskách Pentagonu byly zničeny záznamy o finančních transakcích, které by mohly objasnit ztrátu více než 2300 miliard dolarů, která byla den před útoky oznámena Donaldem Rumsfeldem na tiskové konferenci. Rumsefeld nebyl schopen objasnit 25% veškerých výdajů svého rezortu! A to byl jen začátek.

Několik faktů k rozpočtu ministerstva obrany SSA:

Od roku 2001 do roku 2011 se rozpočet na obranu Spojených států téměř zdvojnásobil (z 303 miliard dolarů na 549 miliard dolarů)

Výdaje na války se více než zdesetinásobili (ze 13 miliard na 159 miliard dolarů – v roce 2008 to bylo dokonce 187 miliard dolarů!). To znamená, že v tomto roce vydají naši spojenci ze spojených států celkem 708 miliard dolarů na obranu své vlasti. Kdopak na ni asi útočí? To je 12 517 miliard korun podle aktuálního kurzu. Pro srovnání, ČR má celkový rozpočet na letošní rok 1 180 miliard korun.

Ale tím zdaleka nekončíme! Podívejme se na výdaje na tajné služby Spojených států amerických: Tamní zpravodajská komunita čítá celkem 16 jednotlivých agentur, mezi kterými je nejznámější CIA. Celkem ale existuje 1271 vládních organizací a 1931 soukromých firem, které nyní spolupracují na „kontraterorizmu“, zpravodajství a bezpečnosti vlasti. Tato armáda agentů, vrahů a špiclů čítá dohromady 854 000 lidí, kteří mají prověrku „přísně tajné“. Rozpočet pro tajné služby (kromě vojenských) na rok 2011 je 55 miliard dolarů. To je 972 miliard korun.

Nehledě na příjmy do černých fondů z rozsáhlých drogových obchodů, do kterých jsou tyto tajné služby jak známo namočeny, jsou to prostředky dostačující k tomu, tak sofistikovanou operaci, jako byly útoky 11. září nejen naplánovat, ale i provézt a posléze ututlat. Kdo by se chtěl postavit takovému aparátu? Kupodivu se proti němu staví čím dál, tím více lidí.

Skutečně – dnes existuje velké množství skupin odborníků, kteří napadají odbornými argumenty oficiální verzi útoků. Například architekti a inženýři pro pravdu o 11. září popírají, že by se tři budovy WTC mohly zřítit v důsledku požáru. Hasiči pro pravdu o 11. Září taktéž.

Piloti pro pravdu o 11. září zase na základě analýzy letových dat tvrdí, že let American Airlines 77 nenarazil do Pentagonu, ale budovu přeletěl a pokračoval v letu dál, a upozorňují i na aerodynamickou nemožnost manévrovat Boeing 757 těsně nad zemí v takové rychlosti. Podobné nesrovnalosti objevíme při analýze letových dat obou náletů na budovy WTC. Boj za pravdu o 11 září pokračuje proto dál. Zaměstnankyně ministerstva obrany SSA, paní April Gallop, s prověrkou přísně tajné, která se svojí dvouměsíční dcerkou přežila útok na Pentagon, nyní žaluje Dicka Cheneyho, Donalda Rumsfelda a šéfa generálního štábu Richarda Mayerse. Nejprve jí však bylo doporučeno, aby o svém zážitku s nikým nemluvila. April udělal opak.

Piloti pro pravdu o 11. září jí budou asistovat při vyhodnocování dat z černé skřínky, údajně nalezené v místě střetu letadla se zdí Pentagonu. Skříňka má být v držení Národní Rady pro Bezpečnost Dopravy (National Transportation Safety Board - NTSB), její obsah zůstal z (ne)jasných důvodů do dnes utajen.

N.B. Žaloba vojenské specialistky April Gallop byla zamítnuta roku 2010 v první instanci. Nyní je u odvolání. Mezi soudci senátu druhé instance sedí i bratranec tehdejšího prezidenta GW Bushe, soudce John Walker. Očekává se, že žaloba bude zamítnuta i zde.

V této souvislosti stojí za zmínku i dva New Yorští hasiči, kteří zasahovali 11. Září 2001 při odklízení zbytků zdemolovaných budov, Mike Bellone a Nicholas DeMasi, kteří našli 3 ze 4 černých skříněk a byli vyzváni FBI, které skřínky předali, aby o této skutečnosti pomlčeli. Nicméně oni promluvili a promluví i další i přes to, že jim to James Woolsey výslovně a pod přísnou pohrůžkou zakázal, zejména když hovořili o přesně časovaných explozích, kterých byli bezprostředními svědky. Neoficiální zdroj z NTSB existenci skříněk z letů AA 11 a UA 175 potvrdil.

James Woolsey, osoba často vídaná v Praze na Fóru 2000, ve společnosti Václava Havla, patří, jako její bývalý šéf, k rodině CIA. Skuteční plánovači a pachatelé útoků měli dozajista kontakty a své lidi v celé škále odvětví bezpečnostního aparátu Spojených států, aby mohli provést útoky tak kolosálních rozměrů a udržet pravdu již 10 let pod pokličkou!

Když skupinka neokonzervativců napsala rok před útokem v pamfletu „Rebulding America’s Defenses“, že Ameriku musí postihnout katastrofická a katalyzující událost jako „nový Pearl Harbor“ podepsala jednoznačný manifest usvědčující ji ze spoluodpovědnosti a spoluúčasti na teroristických útocích proti vlastnímu civilnímu obyvatelstvu. Plán boje proti Talibanu, který mimochodem trvá až dodnes byl mezitím již dávno na stole prezidenta Bushe. Ukázat prstem na Taliban a přepadnout Afghánistán, je dalším důkazem viny lidí z Bushovy administrace, kteří se spolčili se zahraničními kriminálními a teroristickými živly aby navždycky změnili budoucnost celého světa, který se od těch dob ubírá do záhuby.

Označme proto veřejně jména aspoň některých z těch, kteří za útoky údajně stojí: Dov Zakheim,  Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud a všichni ti, kteří pomocí subdodavatelů naplánovali, financovali, spáchali a do dnes mlčením a překrucováním kryjí tento hrozný zločin. Nedopusťme další teroristické útoky pod falešnou vlajkou, postavme se proti státnímu terorizmu, netolerujme další kolonialistické války!



Dokumenty k žalobě April Gallop



The Project for the New American Century. Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century.



Intelligence Budget Data



Background paper on SIPRI military expenditure data. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: Background paper on SIPRI military expenditure data



Příloha seznam "hnutí za pravdu"


Submitted to the offices of then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer (who
never responded), the complaint summarizes the best evidence for reopening 9/11
as a criminal case and examining nodes of complicity within the United States
government itself. Sign the petition! Pass it along!
Mission: To research and to disseminate the truth of the 9/11 “collapses” of
all 3 WTC high-rise buildings to every architect and engineer. Hundreds,
with that number growing daily, of architectural and engineering professionals
have joined in demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation.
The Journal of 9/11 Studies is a peer-reviewed, open-access, electronic-only
journal covering the whole of research related to 9/11/2001. All content is freely
available online. Thank you for visiting The Journal of 911 Studies. With
respect to the current dispute over management of the organization Scholars for
911 Truth, our position is that the Journal is independent of this issue, and
of any potential outcome. Both during and after the resolution of this dispute,
we hope to continue our efforts to provide evidence-based, peer-reviewed
research that furthers the cause of truth and justice.
Steven Jones & Kevin Ryan, Editors
The definitive site on the fall of WTC7: Wtc7.net focuses on the near-free-fall
collapse of World Trade Center 7, which suffered only small fires and no
airliner impact.
James Hoffman
"Paying attention to 9/11 related news." Blogs alternative 9/11
related news. What you will typically find here are articles about 9/11 from an
alternative viewpoint. While this blog focuses on alternative 9/11 news, we do
not seek to force any opinions on the subjects or articles covered, nor do we
necessarily advocate the positions stated in the news we cover. It is up to the
viewer of this blog to do their own research, and to reach their own opinions.
Complete 9/11 Timeline: the definitive online research tool for 9/11 history in
Open-Content investigative project format. Complete 911 Timeline investigative
project is one of several grassroots investigations being hosted on the History
Commons website. The data published as part of this investigation has been
collected, organized, and published by members of the public who are registered
users of the website.
EXCELLENT "beginner's" site: No matter how painful the facts raised
by this site may be, we � as
patriotic Americans and people of good faith � must look at the evidence for
ourselves. This site is wholly non-partisan, and not intended to criticize or
to bolster any political party. The sources cited come from across the
political spectrum. The issues raised transcend political differences, and are
vital to conservatives, liberals and moderates; they affect your life whether
you are a republican, democratic, independent, or non-voter. Skeptical of
theories which are not based on cold, hard facts? We encourage your skepticism,
and applaud you for examining the facts for yourself. There are many bizarre
conspiracy theories floating around about 9/11, which are spread either out of
ignorance or for malicious purposes.
9-11 Research focuses on the facts of the 9-11 attack and analysis of the
official explanation. With extensive references and a video archive.
911Review.com covers historical precedents and context and the use of
disinformation. It debunks several common 9/11 skeptics' errors.
We are a group of scholars and supporters endeavoring to address the unanswered
questions of the September 11, 2001 attack through scientific research and
public education. We take care to present the strongest, most credible research
available, some of which is published on our sister site, the Journal of 9/11
Studies. Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is committed to effecting change
through non-violence.
The Eleventh of Every Month Campaign. What to do, how to do it, where to get
resources, forum, more... Excellent networking resource!!
Responsible news about the ongoing global impact of the 9/11 attack. Accessible
and factually oriented first reference for those curious about 9/11 truth. Our
movement must serve its audience and this site was created for that purpose.
Ability for readers to to comment.
The 911 Working Group of Bloomington, Indiana welcomes you. Feel free to
browse, download, and disseminate any of the information on our site.
Description: FOIA (Freedom Of Information Request) link is our collection of
data that we've received thus far from government agencies in response to our
requests. The BLOG link will take you to our separate blog site. We regularly
update the blog with information about Bloomington events and group meeting
locations and times.
Grassroots groups around the world talking about 9/11 questions. Join a group
or start your own.
Applying Basic Physics to the Evidence. Significant video explanations of WTC
Tower collapses, including the excellent "NIST Finally Admits
Freefall" series.
Archived in September 2007, CitizensWatch was a staunch supporter of the 9/11
Families throughout the process of demanding and then experiencing the 9/11
The Family Steering Committee (FSC) is an independent, nonpartisan group of
individuals who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The FSC is not
affiliated with any other group, nor does it receive financial or other support
from any organization or individual. February 13, 2005 � Although there will be no
further updates to the Family Steering Committee website, the buttons and blue
links are still active. You are encouraged to explore the site.
Litigation information related to 9/11/01... sept11tortlitigation.com and New York
The case is a lawsuit on behalf of the families of the September 11 victims
focusing on wealthy Saudi individuals, banks, corporations, and Islamic
charities implicated in the financing of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda.
[8/14/08 "A federal appeals court has ruled that Saudi Arabia and four of its princes
cannot be held liable in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
Consists of news stories and other documents (images, government files) related
to the most dire unanswered questions about the terrorist acts of September 11,
2001. Requests contributions from readers.
Dedicated Spanish 9/11 resources site, based in Spain
Seeking truth and justice for 9/11 Victims, Survivors and the World. Links to
20 Canadian 9/11 truth groups.
Good listing of European Truth Groups. Appears to have been archived; last
update February 2008.
Forum for 9/11 discussion.
TruthMove is as much about summarizing important information as it is about the
theory that progressive intellectuals and activists must be unified around
principles that they all share. We realized that all of us are generally
invested in discovering important facts, under-reported by mainstream
journalists, and presenting them to the public. The environment, the war,
surveillance, election fraud, media complicity. social control. There is a
rational crossroads between all these concerns where we find that what really
matters is that the public learn to care about the fact that they don't know
the truth. Motivated by that concern, TruthMove will remind everyone that
getting people to think for themselves is more imporant than telling them what
to think. As much as we are focused on a popular, accessible approach, making
the website a curriculum of sorts, we also hope to remind progressive intellectuals
what they all have in common. The truth.
911TV.org provides materials for public access television and more.
Archived for posterity: The National 9-11 Visibility Project formed in the Fall
of 2003 by a group of concerned citizens in Seattle and Kansas City working to
support the efforts of the 9-11 victims' families to obtain a complete and
unobstructed investigation into the 2001 terrorist attacks. Archive of
articles, National Activism, Media Outreach, etc.
This disturbing film by Penny Little �911: Dust
and Deceit at the WTC� exposes the
continuing attack on NYC through interviews with scientists, waste management
specialists, government workers, volunteers, the heros and victims of the dust
which permeated the air after 911. (available at the 911truth.org online store)
On television screens the world over, people watched the Twin Towers
disintegrate into a fine dust which spread for miles. As the fires burned
unabated, NYC residents began to realize that they and the many volunteers who
had come to their aid had been exposed to an unprecedented mix of asbestos,
fiberglass, lead, mercury, cadmium, dioxins, and hundreds of toxic substances
that continue to endanger lives... With the discovery that the federal
government had the legal responsibility for investigation and clean up, 9/11
ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION was born. The EPA had abandoned us, hidden the data, and
silenced their own ombudsman. We demand a comprehensive remediation of the
environmental devastation of our beloved city.
Translate Courage into Power with Nonviolent Civil Disobedience.
Calling all 911Truth activists who want to make a real and lasting difference.
S.I.F.T. -- Skeptics Inquiry For Truth. The purpose of the 9/11 Citizens
Inquiry is to provide a forum for citizen 9/11 researchers to share the
findings of their investigations with the general public. It is a most
ambitious independent civic event and is entirely citizen-conceived,
citizen-run, and citizen-funded. .
In spite of all the hard times, obstacles and difficulties, my mission as an
activist for the truth and peace has never stopped. One of the first lessons I
learned at the Governing Institute was that you have to tell the people what
you do. It is embarrassing for me, even at this level to put so much emphasis
in image and work. As an ex janitor, to be doing so much and in such high
levels of politics and International awareness is really part of the miracle of
being alive. God gave me a mission and I have to fulfill it. I want to be the
voice of the many victims of 9/11. I was chosen by the events and the
circumstances. I dedicate my life 24/7 to help victims, to find the truth of
the events, to help my community and to educate about peace.
Australia's 9/11 truth site.
This site will allow you to subscribe to the latest and greatest Podcasts on
the net using your iPod or free iTunes software. Feel free to share these
subscriptions with your friends as you work to spread 9/11 truth. In addition
to podcasts, you will find links to your favorite 9/11 related videos and audio
Educational and visibility resources: DVDs, books, posters, pins, stickers,
911 Truth In Tucson, Arizona. Serious Questions About The Official Story: There
are many aspects of the official version of the attacks in New York and
Washington, DC on September 11, 2001 that are inconsistent with the huge
variety of evidence collected on that day...
Our mission is to investigate and publicly expose the lies about the events of 9/11/2001,
through education, media attention, and outreach. We support the overall goals
and nonviolent methods of the National 9/11 Truth movement. Further details can
be found at 911truth.org.
For those who have just been exposed to the controversial details of 9/11/2001
it can be be very disorienting and disturbing. In the independent research that
has occurred over the last five years, thousands of facts have been uncovered
that have not been reported in the main stream corporate media or become part
of the official story. We will try to provide a short course on the most
compelling of those facts.
On 9/11 2001, I was scheduled to be at the World Trade center in NYC. The
meeting was canceled and my life was saved. This experience was an inspiration
to write a "letter to my daughters". In this letter I share my faith,
hope, love and experiences. People worry about material things by leaving
"wills" but our hopes,faith and love are left to memories. Why not
write a letter to your loved ones ? If everyone took the time to reflect, our
world would immediately grow in love and peace.
Various 9/11 documentaries here and documentaries on a few other subjects also
to help spread the good work. I have made the New York Citizens' Commission on
9/11 September 9th 2004 that 911truth.org co-sponsored viewable via streaming
A little about The American Truth
Part nonfiction, part novel - The American Truth paints a picture of the �secrets� of 9/11.
This page-turner makes you question whether you witnessed one of the most
controversial events of all of history.
The fiction section puts the 9/11 controversies into a riveting, action-packed
narrative similar to that of the novel The Da Vinci Code. The non-fiction
section provides an overview of the 9/11 controversies.
Antifascist A researcher and activist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In
addition to publishing in Covert Action Quarterly, Love & Rage and Antifa
Forum, I am the editor of Police State America: U.S. Military "Civil
Disturbance" Planning, distributed by AK Press.
Artistic efforts relating to 9/11 truth and more...
Mr. Jennings was Emergency Coordinator/Deputy Director of Emergency Services
Department for New York City, and passed away August 19, 2008 after several
days in the hospital, from unknown causes. The significance of the mystery
surrounding his death is that his personal story as recounted on video leads to
the conclusion that the destruction of the towers on 9/11 was planned. No cause
of death has been made public, and the mainstream press has not even covered
the death of this American hero.
Peter Zarcone, North Carolina, United States
I have been studying Gods Word for about 35 years. I will be covering many
different topics on this blog, from foundational Christian faith to End Time
prophecy. At this point the Posts are in no particular order, but as I feel God
has moved me to write on these subjects, I have endeavored to prayerfully Teach
those things He has given me. Please review the lists of subjects. Not all show
up if you just scroll the page, You may need to click on the subject or the
Archived month link below. Thank you for coming, and may God enrich your
Great graphics depicting the 'state of the union,' the 9/11 Millenium poster,
and some imaginings about 'what if' we fixed this mess...
Imagine...TV about what's really going on. (Ed.: Amazing assortment of videos
& clips, some quite reliable and some rather questionable. See for
Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran Israeli soldiers that
collects testimonies of soldiers who served in the Occupied Territories during
the Second Intifadah. Soldiers who serve in the Territories are witness to, and
participate in military actions which change them immensely. Cases of abuse
towards Palestinians, looting, and destruction of property have been the norm
for years, but are still excused as military necessities, or explained as
extreme and unique cases. Our testimonies portray a different and grim picture
of questionable orders in many areas regardind Palestinian civilians. These
demonstrate the depth of corruption which is spreading in the Israeli military.
While this reality which is known to Israeli soldiers and commanders exists in
Israel's back yard, Israeli society continues to turn a blind eye, and to deny that
which happens in its name. Discharged soldiers who return to civilian life
discover the gap between the reality which they encountered in the Territories
, and the silence which they encounter at home. In order to become a civilian
again, soldiers are forced to ignore their past experiences. Breaking the
Silence voices the experiences of those soldiers, in order to force Israeli
society to address the reality which it created.
The September 11 UK Families Support Group (S11UKFSG) was formed at a meeting
in London on May 11, 2002. This followed a meeting held in April 2002 organised
by Disaster Action.
The objectives of the S11UKFSG are stated as:
to provide a forum for the mutual support of UK families whose loved ones were
lost in the terrorist attacks in the USA on September 11, 2001;
to provide emotional support and family contacts;
to procure financial and legal support when requested by families
to provide advice from and liaison with external agencies such as HM
Government, charities, trusts, etc. when requested by families.
Balladeer of the 911 Truth Movement, and social justice activists everywhere...
As a singer-songwriter of topical songs, I have been posting the lyrics and
comments to songs that are meant to give insight on, and promote discussion of,
some important issues of our times. You will find that previous posts have
given the lyrics and the links where you can hear the songs posted
Home of the lawsuit brought by Pentagon survivor April Gallop.
The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) is an independent research and
media group of writers, scholars and activists. Our website was established on
the 9th of September 2001, two days before the tragic events of September 11. Barely
a few days later, Global Research had become a major news source on the New
World Order and Washington's "war on terrorism". Since September
2001, we have established an extensive archive of news articles, in-depth
reports and analysis on issues which are barely covered by the mainstream
See also their Facebook page here.
Nonviolent Civil Information Activism.
Civil Information Activism has been the tool of choice bringing news and
information re- 9/11 into our community in a safe effective way.
The goal of this site is to share examples of what civil information activism
is and how it can be used as a effective tool promoting your cause.
Long-running annotated archive of 9/11 oddities from one of the original
skeptic sites.
Collateral is an independent weekly newsshow produced in Philadelphia, PA by
Woodshop Films. The show focuses on stories that get little or no news
coverage, and/or offers perspectives not typically found in the corporate
media. Collateral is produced by Marc Brodzik, Stephen Gardner, Michael Hilger,
Bryan Sacks and Jeff Toner. Collateral does not belong to a media organization
and is funded entirely by its producers. If you find the show worthy, please
pass it on.
Building Upon Success Models For Social Restoration--Welcome to Unified
Community.info, a free flowing content driven metasite on the wide-ranging
theme of sustainability. The 1,000 links under approximately 100 subcategories
open up to perhaps hundreds of thousands of secondary links. It provides an
informational networking hub of knowledge and communication. This public
interest site is an easy to use, free resource, utililizing alternative
solutions that are glossed over by mainstream media. The synergy of sites
provides innumerable options, as knowledge is power.
International Inquiry into 9/11 Phase 1: San Francisco, March 26-28, 2004.
Incisive observations on political, cultural, and spiritual topics, based on
personal commitment to accuracy and honesty.
Independent Investigative Journalism Since 1995; Robert Parry's excellent
Founded in 1994, the Coalition on Political Assassinations originally included
the Committee for an Open Archives, the Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy
Assassination, and the Assassination Archives and Research Center. The
organization currently serves as a network of the serious researchers into the
murders of John and Robert Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other
political figures. COPA was instrumental in overseeing implementation of the
JFK Assassination Records Act, passed in 1992, which has led to the release of
over 6.5 million pages of records to date, the second largest release of
classified documents in US history. Our network of researchers includes medical
and ballistic experts, academics, authors, researchers and concerned citizens.
Since 1994, we have held a series of national and regional meetings to present
the most recent credible research into these unsolved political assassinations.

In the past few years, tens of thousands of service members have resisted
illegal war and occupation in a number of different ways by going
AWOL, seeking conscientious objector status and/or a discharge, asserting the
right to speak out against injustice from within the military, and for a
relative few, publicly refusing to fight. While there are those who would like
to dismiss war resisters as "cowards," the reality is that it takes
exceptional courage to resist unjust, illegal, and/or immoral orders. For many
resisters, it was their first-hand experiences as occupation troops that
compelled them to take a stand. For others, "doing the right thing"
and acting out of conscience began to outweigh their military training in
Blog of Nafeez Ahmed: Political analyst on security, conflict and global
crisis. Director of Institute for Policy Research & Development, London.
Author of The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry (Duckworth, 2006) and The
War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism (Arris, Olive
Branch, 2005).
One of the only true truth-telling heroines to hold public office in recent
memory ... now running for Green nomination as President of the United States.
Run Cynthia, Run!
In support of national whistleblowers, with the Truth Telling Project. Mr.
Ellsberg links to the following sites:
Organizations Working on Issues of Secrecy and Whistleblowing--
Project on Government Oversight; http://www.pogo.org
Government Accountability Project; http://www.whistleblower.org/
National Whistleblower Center; http://www.whistleblowers.org/
OpenTheGovernment.org; http://www.openthegovernment.org/
National Security Archive; http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/index.html
Project on Government Secrecy; http://www.fas.org/sgp/index.html
Swiss Historian and Peace Researcher, History Departement, Basel University
Research Interests:
* International History from 1945 to today
* Secret Warfare and Geostrategy
* Intelligence Services and Special Forces
* Peak Oil and Resource Wars
* Globalization and Human Rights
Danish portal for 9/11 truth information. Contact email: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.
David Ray Griffin is Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology,
Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University in
Claremont, California, where he remains a co-director of the Center for Process
Studies. He has published (as author or editor) 34 books, primarily in
theology, philosophy, and philosophy of religion, with special emphases on the
problem of evil and the relation between science and religion. Seven of his
books deal with 9/11...
Website of the Washington DC 9/11 Truth Movement.
Website offering plan to eliminate debt, with news of interest to anyone paying
attention to diminishing liberties and rights...
Over three million currently in circulation!
(Available at 911truth.org Resource Center.)
Excellent pdf flyer and signage download page. 911 truth movement graphics,
photo albums and video clips. New T-shirt storefront with Jan Hoyer's original
911 truth artwork.
Connect The Dots 9/11 --
Information about "Improbable Collapse," film from Michael Berger,
and "Behind-the-Scenes: Ground Zero--A Collection of Personal
Accounts," a book by the two men who found the black boxes at the WTC and
much more information.
Launched on September 13, 1996, Disinformation was designed to be the search
service of choice for individuals looking for information on current affairs,
politics, new science and the "hidden information" that seldom seems
to slip through the cracks of the corporate-owned media conglomerates.
Historic convergence and alliance of truth groups, activists, and independent
media to expose and counter the government's lies. Includes extensive multimedia
area documenting July, 2005 event.
Personal endorsement from Janice Matthews, Director of 911truth.org ... Family
of Secrets is thoroughly phenomenal. Well-sourced. No fluff, or conjecture...
just one horrifying, chilling fact after another documenting generations of
control, manipulation, not "democracy." Everyone should get, read,
study this book. Then get to work correcting a system-gone-mad...
The 9/11 families who fought for the "independent commission" now ask
the questions the commission won't.
Annotated bibliography, then 326 pages of articles, at this point... wow!
Collection of articles, blog entries making FBI shenanigans visible...
The primary mission of the FealGood Foundation, a non-profit organization, is
to spread awareness and educate the public about the catastrophic health
effects on 9/11 first responders, as well as to provide assistance to relieve
these great heroes of the financial burdens placed on them over the last five
years. A secondary goal of our Foundation is to create a network of advocacy on
9/11 healthcare issues. We not only advocate for Ground Zero workers, but show
others how they can advocate for themselves and help others through grassroots
activism. Donations: 100% of the operating income for the FealGood Foundation
is provided by undesignated contributions. You can help improve the lives of
9/11 first responders and their familes by supporting the FealGood Foundation
and making your tax deductible gift today.
Once acknowledged and exposed, it is time to stop rehearsing and merely
resisting the negative, and begin focusing on and imagining the positive. Now
is the time to join others in a great awakening out of the dominance of
darkness and the clutches of the New World Order, and into the Light of a new
paradigm that can � and will -
transform our world!
Excellent resource. Includes the Intelligence
Resource Program
, the Project on
Government Secrecy
, the Secrecy News
and more.
Resistance in the Heartland... blog, radio show, more
Document torture, demanding accountability ... project of World Can't Wait.
Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization (FIRO) was formed in 1999 by a
group of citizens concerned with the course of the official investigation into
the crash of TWA Flight 800. During the investigation, the FBI unlawfully
denied the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) access to forensic
results and eyewitness interview documents. FIRO has submitted a petition to
the NTSB that requests the reconsideration of their final report, which blames
the crash on an electrical spark inside a fuel tank.
This website explores different theories of Flight 93's crash. (Online Sept 20
/2001 - latest update August 1, 2003) How much did Bush Really Know in Advance?
Let's weed through it.
Documents the ongoing FOIA request process undertaken by one man, for 9/11
Pentagon-related video information. See also the site www.penttbom.com, which
takes up where this one leaves off with much more released video.
"News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era"
Flyby News covers issues of the militarization of space and other concerns
vital for life's survival in the 21st Century.
FMNN itself is an independent media solution, an Internet-grown, free-market
alternative to mainstream media complexes. The key to our success lies in our
commitment to peering behind Big Media mainstream reports to provide more
accurate news and analysis in areas of politics, sociology, business and
finance. We're driven by truth. So are you.
Brave New World News
Website and newsletter of Michael C. Ruppert.
Proof that the mainstream media were reporting credible threats that Osama bin
Laden and Al Qaida were planning "air attacks" months before the 9-11
attacks. The critical passage appears under the heading "Barricades"
near the end of the article. It reads: "The huge force of officers and
equipment which has been assembled to deal with unrest has been spurred on by a
warning that Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden might attempt an air attack on
some of the world leaders present. Anti-aircraft missiles have been deployed at
the airport, and naval vessels are patrolling the seas. Condeliar Rice perjured
herself before Congress. This is an IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE, not to mention a
felony. It is utterly inconceivable the Bush crime family was not aware of the
details of these threats.
Home of Global Outlook magazine (Canada), the magazine of the 9/11 Truth
Mission: The Government Accountability Project (GAP) is a 30-year-old nonprofit
public interest group that promotes government and corporate accountability by
advancing occupational free speech, defending whistleblowers, and empowering
citizen activists. We pursue this mission through our Nuclear Safety,
International Reform, Corporate Accountability, Food & Drug Safety, and
Federal Employee/National Security programs. GAP is the nation's leading
whistleblower protection organization.
This list is provided by Federation of American Scientists:
Selected Non-Governmental Web Sites:
U.S. Government Web Sites:
Includes over 100 archived shows, including many interviews with 9/11
researchers, as well as other topics that help put the pieces together! Bonnie
Faulkner's excellent radio show is heard at 2:30 on Wednesdays, on KPFA 94.1 FM
in Berkleley, California.
Call for an international Tribunal into Genocide in Canada; Telling the Untold
Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. Pertains to the murders
of 50,000 aboriginal children by Catholic, Anglican and United Church of
Canada, through their "Residential Schools." Film
"Unrepentant" and book, "Hidden From History: The Canadian
Beautiful and interesting collection of information...
It is our belief that when Americans know the facts on a subject, they will, in
the final analysis, act in accordance with morality, justice, and the best
interests of their nation, and of the world. With insufficient information, or
distorted information, they may do the precise opposite. It is the mission of
If Americans Knew to ensure that this does not happen � that the information on which
Americans base their actions is complete, accurate, and undistorted by
conscious or unconscious bias, by lies of either commission or omission, or by
pressures exerted by powerful special interest groups. It is our goal to supply
the information essential to those responsible for the actions of the strongest
nation on earth � the
American people.
A film that explores the puzzling collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC Building
7. Starring Steven Jones, Glenn Corbett, David Ray Griffin James T. Hoffman and
Kevin Ryan, and featuring Tucker Carlson, Larry Silverstein, Daniel Hopsicker,
Geoffrey Blank, Richard Ben-Veniste, et al. With the music of Andrew Lowe
Watson & Immortal Technique. USA 2006. Directed by Michael Berger, Produced
by Connect the Dots LLC
The iParty Blog... What if an Artist ran for President?
Michael Sterling "The only thing SECRET about the iParty is its
budget." Stanley Kubrick, Syd Barrett, Robert Anton Wilson, and Anna
Nicole Smith won't make it to the iParty Inaugural, but they are expected at
the 4BALL Ball.

"News the networks won't tell you." Broadcast in more than 25 million
homes. Weekly news program with the best TV coverage of 9/11 issues. Top of the
hour radio headlines, at INN Radio.
Garth Nicholson's important site, "dedicated to discovering new diagnostic
and therapeutic solutions for chronic diseases." Operation Day Lily is a
critically important book that should be read by all.
Phase 2: Toronto, May 25-30, 2004
Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) was founded by Iraq war veterans in July
2004 at the annual convention of Veterans for Peace (VFP) in Boston to give a
voice to the large number of active duty service people and veterans who are
against this war, but are under various pressures to remain silent. From its
inception, IVAW has called for:
* Immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces in Iraq; * Reparations for the
human and structural damages Iraq has suffered, and stopping the corporate
pillaging of Iraq so that their people can control their own lives and future;
and * Full benefits, adequate healthcare (including mental health), and other
supports for returning servicemen and women.
Yumi Kikuchi�s Blog and
Governments can do terrible things to their people. What about ours?
John Judge's comprehensive truth site.
Sibel Edmonds, former FBI Translator turned whistleblower. This Web site was
created as a nonpartisan effort to:
Provide information in the form of interviews, articles, court and legal
documents, and statements and press releases of various organizations and
agencies about the ongoing efforts of Former FBI Translator and now
"Whistleblower" Sibel Edmonds in her pursuit to overcome the
government's misuse of the "state secrets privelege" and to be able
to exercise via the court system her Constitutional rights and perform her
responsibilities as an American citizen by making the American public aware of
critical shortcomings in our government�s ability to protect the
country against foreign espionage and terrorist threats.
To help ensure this accountability, I've filed a lawsuit against UL for
wrongful termination. My attorneys and I hope to gain more information about UL�s role in
the testing of the WTC steel assemblies, and any other involvement UL has had
with the WTC towers or the NIST investigation. Since this lawsuit represents a
critical need for information about public safety, we invite the public to
contribute to our legal defense fund.
Law and Disorder is a weekly, independent radio program airing on several
stations across the United States and podcasting on the web. Law and Disorder
gives listeners access to rare legal perspectives on issues concerning civil
liberties, privacy, right to dissent and the horrendous practices of torture
exercised by the US government. This program examines the political forces and
legislation that are moving the United States into a police state. Four of the
top progressive attorneys and activists host the program and bring an amazing,
diverse line up of guests from grassroots activists to politically mindful
authors. Most importantly, Law and Disorder brings access to attorneys who give
insights to some of the most controversial cases. Airing on Pacifica station
WBAI 99.5 FM, Law and Disorder will sometimes be the generator of news within
the radio echo-chamber throughout the country.
Why Lawyers for 9/11 Truth? Lawyers are trained to value the
Constitution and the rule of law. We are trained to examine evidence and to
spot cover-ups or inconsistencies in the evidence and bias in witnesses or
decision-makers. Attorneys are also experts in weighing conflicting evidence.
For all of the above reasons, many lawyers have concluded that the 9/11
Commission and other government examinations were wholly inadequate, and did
not follow proper rules of evidence or procedure. We are demanding an end to
the 9/11 cover-up, and a full investigation by unbiased people with subpoena
power . . . and the courage to demand that the Constitution and rule of law are
followed, and all guilty persons held accountable for their actions.
Sibel Edmonds is the most gagged person in US history. The government has
repeatedly invoked the State Secrets Privilege in her case - not for reasons of
'national security' but to hide ongoing criminal activity. Please call Waxman
and Conyers' offices this week and demand public open hearings into Edmonds'
case and the State Secrets Privilege.
Liberty Tree collaborates with organizations and individuals to build strategic
pro-democracy campaigns that directly challenge illegitimate power, dismantle
oppression, and develop the skills necessary to lay the foundation for a
democratic revolution.
Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon. This is not the wacky
proclamation of a doomsday cult, apocalypse bible prophecy sect, or conspiracy
theory society. Rather, it is the scientific conclusion of the best paid, most
widely-respected geologists, physicists, bankers, and investors in the world. These
are rational, professional, conservative individuals who are absolutely
terrified by a phenomenon known as global "Peak Oil." ...
Documentary that questions the official 9/11 story.
Nick Levis' 9/11 blog.
Italian community news & information site which includes large 9/11
section, much in English.
Breaking news and stories that put the big picture together, name names, and
prove the connections... news you need to understand what's really going on.
MERIA: The straightest shooter since Annie Oakley...real talk, no bull.
Meria Heller Amer-Italian New Yorker shooting from the hip. Meria is a force of
nature when it comes to social change, justice and freedom for all living
things. Asking the tough questions and seeking solutions. No party loyalty or
religious affiliation and no corporate sponsors means solid information without
annoying interruptions. A show totally supported by YOU, the listening
audience. Commercial free talk - MP3 format. Speaking the truth online, since
A book by Woody Voinche. From 1953's Operation Ajax to A New Pearl Harbor of
2001, this book is an overview of the major events that have contributed to the
history of three major countries in the mideast: Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
From the coup d'etat that brought about the downfall of Mossadeq and the rise
to power of the Shah of Iran; to the arming of the Shah and his final
downfall(with Iranian Air Force General Rabii telling his Judges "General
Huyser threw the Shah out of the country like a dead mouse."); the hostage
crisis in Iran and the use of this event by both Republican and Democratic
groups in what became known as the October Surprise; the rise and arming of
Saddam Hussein and the part played by western interests; the US support of the
mujahadeen in Afghanistan and the role played by Bin Laden and other Islamists
culminating in the breakup of the Soviet Union; the Islamist group on the
periphery of the Alkifah Refugee center in New York and the 1993 World Trade
Center bombing; the events leading up to 911 and the evidence suggesting the
Intelligence agencies had advanced knowledge of this event; And the evidence
that US forces have had the opportunity to eliinate top al Qaeda and Taliban
forces in Afghanistan and Iraq but for whatever reason have failed to do
A human rights group working for the rights and protections of mental integrity
and freedom from new technologies and weapons which target the mind and nervous
"When even one American -- who has done nothing wrong -- is forced by fear
to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril."
Harry S. Truman
National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), founded in August 2004,
is an independent and nonpartisan alliance of whistleblowers who have come
forward to address our nation's security weaknesses; to inform authorities of
security vulnerabilities in our intelligence agencies, at nuclear power plants
and weapon facilities, in airports, and at our nation's borders and ports; to
uncover government waste, fraud, abuse, and in some cases criminal conduct. ...
The National Whistleblower Center (Center) is a nonprofit, tax exempt,
educational and advocacy organization dedicated to helping whistleblowers.
Since 1988, the Center has used whistleblowers� disclosures to improve
environmental protection, nuclear safety, and government and corporate
accountability. The primary goal of the Center is to ensure that disclosures
about government or industry actions that violate the law or harm the environment
are fully heard, and that the whistleblowers who risk their careers to expose
wrongdoing are defended. The Center�s mission is
to strengthen the rights of whistleblowers and to help make their underlying
claims known to the public in order to safeguard the welfare of the American
people. To accomplish these goals, the Center supports whistleblowers who raise
significant and credible allegations of wrongdoing, advocates responsible
corrective action on behalf of the whistleblowers, educates Congress on the
need to protect whistleblowers, and insists officials be held fully accountable
for their conduct.
The New American Dream is a "Yellow Ribbon Free Zone." We do not
support the troops. We do not support fighter planes flying over the Super
Bowl. The troops are not defending our freedom. Protesters protect our freedom.
That's the truth.
Mark Crispin Miller's excellent blog!
Home of the "Vigil for Truth at Ground Zero." Organizing actions in
New York City.
New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health: Welcome to the NYCOSH
website, where you'll find more than 200 pages of news and information about
on-the-job safety and health, plus more than 1,500 links to more information on
the Internet that you can use to enhance occupational safety. Includes main
sections on 9/11 environmental effects, resources for individuals affected by
the toxic mess, news updates, more.
"Oil Empire is by far the best resource for discriminating among the
various 9/11 sites, seeking the genuine and avoiding the bogus." -- Jamey
Hecht, Assistant Managing Editor, From the Wilderness
The mission of the Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee is to find the
whole truth about the fatal attack on the Murrah Federal Building on April 19,
1995. Archive of full site.
Declassified Pentagon plan to hijack drone US airliners by remote control at US
Gov't National Security Archives at George Washington University in DC
May '01: ABC News exposes 1962 NORTHWOODS plan.
The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is an online and grassroots non-profit
501(c)3 public interest organization campaigning for health, justice, and
sustainability. The OCA deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial
agriculture, genetic engineering, children's health, corporate accountability,
Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topics. We are the only
organization in the US focused exclusively on promoting the views and interests
of the nation's estimated 50 million organic and socially responsible
This site is a follow-up to my original site, Flight77.info. At Flight77.info I
documented the legal process to obtain the mythical video(s) showing what hit
the Pentagon on 9/11. In March of 2006, Flight77.info's FOIA lawsuit forced the
release of the most recent Pentagon security camera footage (although in the
news media, Judicial Watch took the credit for our work), and Flight77.info
also forced the release of the Double Tree hotel video footage. All of this
documentation is still live at Flight77.info
People to People TV was formed in Santa Barbara in the summer of 2002 to record
and broadcast the voices for peace and social change locally and beyond. Our
founders and members are experienced video journalists, filmmakers, activists
and multi-media specialists. We produce independent television shows which air
on local Santa Barbara Channel 17 . People to People has had shows aired
regionally, nationally and internationally. We work in alliance with media
producers to find the means to wider distribution of alternative media.
On War, 9/11, Drugs, Oil, Iraq, Bush, Cheney, Bin Laden, Pakistan's ISI
Petition to the Senate to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
- has gathered more than 25,000 signatures electronically since 2002.
Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots
throughout the globe who have gathered together for one purpose. We are
committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September
2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and
the reported pilots.
Using dream guidance to uncover 9/11 and other political truths, for social
change, and to shape political action on a global level.
Nathan Janes, who has become known for his fun and light-hearted renderings of man�s best
friend, has released his newest painting of a much more serious subject matter.
The painting, titled �With Liberty
and Justice for All,� represents
a movement within the United States and abroad that seeks answers to questions
about the catastrophic events that occurred on September 11, 2001.
Austin group. About the PNACitizen Website: The purpose of this site is to
provide both activists and truth seekers with the means to start making a
change in their communities and also become informed at the same time. Other
branches of PNAC have already started spreading to other universities and it is
our hope to start a much larger movement on even more campuses and communities.
This website is a free independent online daily news source that presents and
distributes under-reported news items focusing on corporate and government
corruption. We make available free of charge all of our archives and do our own
research, as well, into conflicts of interest and cronyism.
Wide-ranging compilation of audio files, featuring variety of well-known
individuals talking about today's problems and issues.
RadioFreeOklahoma is produced by www.ruleoflawradio.com in Austin, TX and
broadcast every Wednesday from 8 to 10 PM - CST to more than 460,000 listeners
via 18 LPAM and LPFM stations throughout the U.S. including: Austin, TX;
Oklahoma City, OK, Mnpls./St.Paul, MN, Madison, WI, Souix Falls, SD, Omaha, NE,
St. Louis, MO, South Bend, IN, Corvalis, OR, Brownsville, TX, and cities
throughout the state of Maine.
The 9-11 bombings Are Not Acts of War - The 9-11 bombings Are Crimes Against
"The future depends on knowing"... The Real News Network is a
television news and documentary network focused on providing independent and
uncompromising journalism. Our staff, in collaboration with courageous
journalists around the globe, will investigate, report and debate stories on
the critical issues of our times. We are viewer supported and do not accept advertising,
government or corporate funding.
A nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news organization, operating at
whowhatwhy.com, WhoWhatWhy/The Real News Project produces groundbreaking
investigative journalism and timely, well-sourced, deeply explored accounts of
the truth behind current events. We hope that our work will inspire others, and
we invite collaboration from experienced journalists, and input from all.
Very handy reprinting of this sham, which "may also be downloaded in
sections by clicking on the links."
RICO Act lawsuit against the Bush Administration
Daily alternative and underground news and multimedia. Specific 9/11 sections
dedicated to exposing the government and media lies of 9/11.
Rosie's 9/11 links now at her site! Go, Rosie!!
This is the new home for a restructured scholars group that welcomes scholars
and all persons interested in exposing the truths of the 9/11/01 attack. Care
is being taken to present the strongest, most credible research available, some
of which is published on our sister site, the Journal of
9/11 Studies
. For more information visit our Welcome page.
San Diegans For 9/11 Truth is a new activist group dedicated to exposing the
rogue network within the government which was responsible for planning and
executing 9/11.
The site dedicated to the victims of September 11.
Fine flash site from the ever active Bay Area 9/11 Truth Coalition
"Figuring things out for yourself is the only real freedom anyone really
The Skyscraper Safety Campaign (SSC) was created by the Regenhard Family in
memory of Christian Michael Otto Regenhard, a 28 year old Probationary
Firefighter who remains missing at the WTC, along with his entire Engine
Company 279, to this date. Originally conceived as "Parents of
Probies", to represent the 17 Probationary Firefighters lost at the WTC,
the organization quickly expanded to include the families of all Firefighters,
Emergency Workers, and civilian victims of 9/11. Co-Chairperson Monica
Gabrielle lost her husband Richard, who was an employee of Aon Corp., WTC2/103
floor. He was last seen alive, waiting to be rescued, on the 78th Floor of
Tower 2. He has not been recovered.
Welcome to Speaking Truth To Power�a website
owned and managed by Carolyn Baker. Carolyn is an adjunct professor of history,
a former psychotherapist, an author, and a student of mythology and ritual.
This website offers up-to-the-moment alternative reporting of U.S. and
international news, articles containing information and opinion, and a venue of
support and connection for awake individuals who want not only to be informed,
but to organize their lives and communities in ways that most effectively assist
them in navigating what current events are manifesting.
How major corporations and government plan to track your every move with RFID.
And what you should be doing about it!
Exposing NORAD's Wag The 911 Window Dressing Tale. Mark Elsis' site on the 9/11
NORAD stand down, minute by minute analysis proving none of the three NORAD
'stories' are accurate.
Strawberry Fields: Keeping The Spirit Of John Lennon Alive. DVD features: In
his first indepth interiew in over thirty years Phil Spector tells stories
about "his brother" John Lennon, their love for each other and the
wonderful music they produced. , fans' outpouring of love with dozens of fan interviews
filmed over the last seven years, photographic narration documenting the many
milestones in the life of John Lennon from birth through assassination.
NY 9/11 Truth 2005 actions & events and a huge archive of links to stories
from 2001-2004 establishing the case for complicity, all on one loooooong page.
News, TV, Documentaries, Movies, Historic, Propaganda, Alt TV, Music... all
for/by real people.
Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone.
* Uncompromising, fact intensive expos�s of the
hidden workings of a capitalist system addicted to permanent war.
Talking Stick - A weekly one-hour program airs Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. on SCAN
cable access channel 77 in Seattle and www.scantv.org
On May 11, 1996, the New York Times ran a story with the headline � �A Policeman
Who Rescued 4 in Bombing Kills Himself.� Sergeant Terrance Yeakey,
Oklahoma City Police Department, [OCPD] was 30 years old and was about to
receive the police department�s Medal of
Valor for his heroic rescue efforts the day of the Oklahoma City bombing, which
occurred on April 19, 1995. Instead, his mother � Loudella - was given the
Medal of Valor at Sgt. Yeakey�s graveside
burial ceremony just hours before the official awards ceremony would take place
in Northeast Oklahoma City at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame Complex.
H. Michael Sweeney's "Rules" and several other useful articles.
Coming soon to a North American Union near you. Jesse Calhoun - Lead Vocals /
Rhythm Guitar, Kawari - Lead Guitar / Back up Vocals, Sean Muniz - Bass/Vocals,
Kiki Vassilakis - Percussion
Deciphering and virtually decrypting the news, and presenting it in a 'plain
words' sense.
We stand at a critical moment in Earth�s history, a
time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly
interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great
promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent
diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth
community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a
sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human
rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace.
-The Earth Charter (2000)
Be the Change...
If you want to know why people do what they do, look first to what they
believe. The Liberty Voice is a vital source of information for Americans who
want to know what has happened to their country and why. But you probably won�t find The
Liberty Voice in your town unless you bring it there! Here in Columbus, Ohio we
are distributed in 162 locations now, and a real change taking hold in this
heart of Ohio. The truth is powerful, and it can change the course of US
The Management School of Restorative Business (MSRB) is a non-profit
organization that specializes in restorative and ecologically sustainable
business management working toward a sustainable, just and equitable world.
9/11 survivor Janette MacKinlay's lovely site remembering 9/11... as a
Manhattan resident, across the street from the Towers, Janette has a unique
perspective on the day's events, expressed through her art and writing.
RE: Organized Harassment and Torture by the National Security Agency [NSA],
Science Application International Corporation [SAIC] using Military grade
Psychological Operations and Direct Energy Weapons against U.S. citizens.
"These are the times that try men's souls." This simple quotation
from Founding Father Thomas Paine's The Crisis not only describes the beginnings
of the American Revolution, but also the life of Paine himself. Throughout most
of his life, his writings inspired passion, but also brought him great
criticism. He communicated the ideas of the Revolution to common farmers as
easily as to intellectuals, creating prose that stirred the hearts of the
fledgling United States.
Streaming the TRUTH to the American People - Streaming Video of Government
Corruption and Coverups
Ben Collet's weekly 9/11 Truth Seattle TV program on Seattle's SCAN-TV Tuesdays
at noon.
Excellent downloadable booklet called "The Fairy Tale from Hell." Also
link to many videos available.
Unite in Peace gives our youth a choice to voice, the courage to stand up and
be counted, understood and honored for their inner wisdom and strength when
placed in the midst of adversity. We support our youth by creating and
implementing peace projects starting at home and sharing the results globally.
Our Pinwheels of Peace project has taken a life of its own through many
organizations and schools for the International Day of Peace...
Do we know the answers to these questions about September 11?
Of course not. Nobody will know the answers until there's an open and honest
But anyone courageous enough to think can see that the pertinent questions for
any serious "investigation" were never asked, let alone answered.
--Helen & Harry Highwater, Unknown News
Heroes Helping Heroes -- The Forgotten Victims of 9/11
On the morning of September 11th, 2001, within minutes of the World Trade
Center Collapse, an authentic army of Heroes converged on Ground Zero...It�s been four
years and four months since that faithful day when those Heroes converged on
Ground Zero. Now the physical affects of what they did are starting to manifest
themselves. The total physical price that they will have to pay for their great
courage is unknown. But one thing is certain, they need help and they need it
now. They don�t need lip
service, or bureaucratic double talk, they need an army of heroes just like
them, to come together now as they did so heroically back then and help them
the same way they so courageously tried to help others.
Want to get your hands on the founding documents, pamphlets, discussions,
letters... Here's where you can find it!
Vancouver grassroots node. Find out about events, meetings, news and more.
In pursuit of our mission we have initially chosen to present evidence exposing
the deception and lies that many in the military/intelligence/industrial/media
establishment have been telling Americans and the world since September 11,
2001 concerning the events of that tragic day. Our mission includes seeking,
discovering, and presenting evidence revealing the truth about the events of
Michael Wolsey's website and podcast, offering latest news, in-depth series
related to 9/11 and associated subjects.
Caroline Casey's show, at KPFA.org, On the Air Thursdays at 2:00pm, 94.1FM, Los
Angeles. Find archives, bio, mythic news, reading room, and more.
Award-winning 42 minute documentary & activist tool on authentic patriotism
and protecting First Amendment rights from the Bush administration's attempt to
discredit dissent and limit free speech. See the 8-minute trailer.
Organization co-founded by Beverly Eckert, whose husband Sean Rooney was killed
on 9/11/01. Beverly was also tragically killed in a plane crash on February
12th, 2009.
VOICES of September 11th (VOICES) advocates and provides services for those
affected by the events of September 11, 2001. We promote public policy reform
on prevention, preparedness and response to terrorism. Through our work, we
strive to build bridges between international communities changed forever by
terrorism. VOICES provides information, outreach and programs to more than
7,000 members. In 2006, VOICES launched the 9/11 Living Memorial digital
archive, to commemorate the lives and stories of September 11, 2001 and the
February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Beautiful music... informative articles... hope for change.
Belief is the most powerful element of culture. It is our beliefs that
guide, define, and justify our actions, and it is belief that could very well
be our undoing. Though it may be a point of contention for some, to me it seems
very clear that we as humans are headed full speed towards disaster. If it is
our beliefs that set our course as a society, and if our present course leads
to imminent destruction, the logical solution is to change the beliefs of our
culture. How on earth would we go about doing such a thing if we were so
inclined? (Keeping in mind that the vast majority of the population are in no
way interested). . .
This website provides a concise, reliable introduction to vital information of
which few are aware. We specialize in providing fact-filled news articles and
summaries of major cover-ups which impact our lives and our world. All
information is taken from the most reliable sources available
VIDEO satire & ripping it site, important and horrifyingly hilarious...it
says things that rarely appear anywhere else, and it's all video. Check the
daily updated listing of new videos!
In the tradition of Drew Pearson's and Jack Anderson's famous "Washington
Merry-Go-Round" syndicated column and I.F. Stone, this online publication
tackles the "politically incorrect" and "politically
embarrassing" stories and holds government officials accountable for their
actions. This web site extends a warm open invitation to whistleblowers and
leakers. Business as usual for the crooks and liars in Washington, DC, is over.
NY-based activist group foused on public action, confronting
"leaders" and candidates, action
One Actor, One Room, Seven Characters: 9/11.
Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle
official history, at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling
with multiple realities - and multiple personalities - he must retreat into his
mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events,
there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is
sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask:
"Who Killed John O'Neill?"
a dead art film by ty rauber and ryan thurston
Dr. Steven E. Jones, BYU Professor of Physics & Astronomy. This is a direct
link to the paper, with updates, including photographs and textual changes as
posted by Dr. Jones, peer review/comments, and associated information.
World Trade Center Rescuer�s Foundation
is a not-for-profit corporation started by 9/11 Rescue workers to create a
centralized resource center for the diverse populations affected by the toxic
air around Ground Zero. Our mission is to connect rescue workers with the
resources and information they need to better deal with the complicated health
and financial and personal issues facing them and their families.
WTC Environmental Organization, suing EPA for post-9/11 pollution cover-up,
The World Trade Center Medical Monitoring Program, administered by Mt. Sinai
Medical Center. The World Trade Center Medical Monitoring Program provides
free, confidential medical monitoring examinations to workers and volunteers
who responded to the September 11th attacks in New York City. For the next five
years, responders who participate in the program will receive comprehensive and
confidential medical examinations at regular intervals.
WTC Families for Proper Burial is striving for the proper burial of all victims
from the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center tragedy. Remains have been left
on top of garbage in the Fresh Kills Landfill. Originally we had asked that the
remains be returned for burial to the place where all 2, 749 people died: the
World Trade Center site.
Now the September Eleventh Education Trust. Evolving from its genesis as the
WTC United Family Group�one of the
original and largest of the 9/11 community organizations�the
September 11th Education Trust produces comprehensive, flexible, and engaging
9/11 and civic literacy education programs that protect the legacy and memory
of the victims of the terrorist attacks, preserve and harness the lessons of
9/11 and its aftermath, unify and direct our nation�s youth toward informed and
effective civic participation. Our lesson plans are personalized and enriched
through first-hand accounts, filmed oral histories, and authentic, primary
archival materials to permanently record this shared historic event in a way
that is not stagnant, but inspiring and relevant to the nation�s youth.
What is Truth? Truth is that which exposes a lie. - Victor: Beck (2006)




#2 osvietenieludstva@azet.sk 2015-07-28 22:23
Google- Krvave Slobodomurarske Odtlacky Prstov na Utokoch z 11.septembra 2001...Alebo Google: Bloody Masonic Fingerprints Left on 9/11 Crime Scene....

Uz davno rozlustene Slovakom!
#1 atesss@azet.sk 2015-01-16 18:37
Je čas, aby otroci povstali. Více: http://stefanides.blog.idnes.cz/c/439619/Povstani-otroku-2014.html

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